Membership for 2024-2025 can be renewed directly online via your personal account on Please contact us if you have forgotten your password. Your membership will be valid until September 30, 2024.
Registrations for the 2024-2025 season open on 08 July.
The membership fee is €20 per Society/per Person/per Season (from september to september) .
New members should register via the AISA secretariat; please bring a passport photo, a medical certificate issued within the last 3 months, payment (cheque made out to AISA or bank card), the photo authorisation document (model available on this website, in the “practical information” section).
Memberships for 2024-2025 can be renewed directly online via your personal account. Do not hesitate to contact us if you do not know your password.
Memberships for the 2024-2025 season can be renewed throughout the year and they will be valid until 30 September 2025.
Please note that if your medical certificate was issued after 1 September 2022, you must, download the “Health Questionnaire” sworn statement when registering. Medical certificates, that are valid for 3 years for most sports, must cover the entire AISA season. Non-compliant certificates will not be accepted. Please take care to send the required documents and to read the AISA membership application procedures carefully; they are intended to facilitate your membership request proce-dure. Incomplete applications will be placed on a waiting list and will delay your membership validation. So please be attentive to the details.You will find specific information for each AISA section as well as all the documents (health questionnaire “QS-Sport”, “Health Questionnaire” sworn statement and medical certificate) necessary for registering on the AISA website.
Given the special circumstances, AISA has had to adapt and many of the activities are available in video format. Please don’t hesitate to contact our secretariat for more information: